Want to know the words to that song your preschooler has been humming all weekend?
I wiggle my fingers,
I wiggle my toes, I wiggle my shoulders, I wiggle my nose. Now the wiggles are out of me, and I’m just as still as I can be. |
Happy Mothers Day to you
Happy Mothers Day to you Happy Mothers Day dear mommy Happy Mothers Day to you |
I REALLY LOVE MY MOMMY I really love my mommy, my mommy, my mommy
I really love my mommy I love her so much. She feeds me and snuggles me, she kisses and she hugs me, I really love my mommy I love her so much. |
April SongsIf all of the raindrops were lemondrops or gumdrops,
Oh what a rain it would be! I'd stand outside with my mouth open wide singing ah ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah! The itsy bitsy spider. The medium spider (clapping hands). The great big spider (stomping feet)! Rain is falling down, SPLASH! (splash hands down on floor) Rain is falling down, SPLASH! Pitter patter, pitter patter (clapping hands) Rain is falling down, SPLASH! Slowly slowly, very slowly, creeps the garden snail. (slowly creep finger up arm) Slowly slowly, very slowly, up the garden rail. (pause, anticipation...) Quickly quickly, very quickly runs the garden mouse! (scurry fingers up and down legs and body) Quickly quickly, very quickly to its garden house! (bury fingers in armpits) Valentine's Songs
H-E-A-R-T (sung to bingo)
There is a shape and it means love and heart is it’s name – O H-E-A-R-T - H-E-A-R-T - H-E-A-R-T And heart is it’s name – O (repeat, leaving out a letter on each repeat clapping in place of the letter.) FIVE PRETTY VALENTINES Five pretty valentines waiting in a store. (insert child’s name) bought one and then there were four. Four pretty valentines shaped like a “V” (insert child’s name) bought one and then there were three. Three pretty Valentines said “I love you” (insert child’s name) bought one and then there was two. Two pretty valentines this was so much fun (insert child’s name) bought one and then there was one. One pretty valentine sitting on the shelf, I felt so sorry for it, so I bought it myself. The Mail Carrier’s Song (row, row, row your boat) Write, write, write your cards and lots of letters too. I will bring them to your friends and they will write back soon. I’m a Letter Carrier (I’m a little teapot) I’m a letter carrier on my way, here is my suit, it’s blue and grey. When I come to your house every day, I leave the mail but I can’t stay. |
March Songs
Down by the Bay:
Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow Back to my home, I dare not go. For if I do my Mommy will say: Did you ever see a moose kissing a goose down by the bay? Did you ever see a bear combing his hair down by the bay? Did you ever see a mouse building a house down by the bay? Did you ever see a fly wearing a tie down by the bay? Did you ever see a whale with a polka dot tail, down by the bay? Did you ever see llamas wearing pajamas down by the bay? Did you ever see a fox in a box down by the bay? Did you ever see a duck in a pickup truck down by the bay? Did you ever see a snake baking a cake down by the bay? SLIPPERY FISH Slippery fish, slippery fish,swimming through the water, slippery fish, slippery fish,Gulp, Gulp, Gulp! Oh, no! It’s been eaten by a… Tuna fish, tuna fish, swimming through the water, Tuna fish, tuna fish,Gulp, Gulp, Gulp! Oh, no! It’s been eaten by an… Octopus, octopus, swimming through the water Octopus, octopus, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp! Oh, no! It’s been eaten by a… Great white shark, great white shark, swimming in the water, Great white shark, great white shark, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp! Oh, no! It’s been eaten by a… Humongous whale, humongous whale, swimming in the water, Humongous whale, humongous whale, Gulp, Gulp, Gulp! BURP!.............Excuse me! |
Winter Songs
It is snowing it is snowing
On my feet on my feet
I need boots on I need boots on
On my feet on my feet
( repeat with legs/snowpants, body/ jacket, head/hat, hands/ gloves - Tune "Are you sleeping")
There once was a snowman a snowman a snowman there once was a snowman Tall tall tall
Then in the sun it melted it melted it melted then in the sun it melted small small small
You put your right glove in you put your right glove out you put your right glove in and you shake it all about.
You do the shiver poky and you turn it all around
That's what it's all about
Repeat with ( boots, hat, snowsuit - Tune "Hokey Pokey")
Dance like snowflakes
Dance like snowflakes
In the air
In the air
Whirling twirling snowflakes
Whirling twirling snowflakes
Here and there
Here and there
(Tune "Are you sleeping")
On my feet on my feet
I need boots on I need boots on
On my feet on my feet
( repeat with legs/snowpants, body/ jacket, head/hat, hands/ gloves - Tune "Are you sleeping")
There once was a snowman a snowman a snowman there once was a snowman Tall tall tall
Then in the sun it melted it melted it melted then in the sun it melted small small small
You put your right glove in you put your right glove out you put your right glove in and you shake it all about.
You do the shiver poky and you turn it all around
That's what it's all about
Repeat with ( boots, hat, snowsuit - Tune "Hokey Pokey")
Dance like snowflakes
Dance like snowflakes
In the air
In the air
Whirling twirling snowflakes
Whirling twirling snowflakes
Here and there
Here and there
(Tune "Are you sleeping")
Remembrance Day -- Poems

I’ll wear a little poppy,
as red as red can be,
to show that I remember,
those who fought for me.
See the Poppies, see the Poppies,
Oh so red, oh so red,
Growing on the hillside, growing on the hillside
Soldiers lay dead, Soldiers lay dead,
We remember, we remember.
On this day, on this day.
Soldiers on the hillside, Soldiers on the hillside
Far away, far away
as red as red can be,
to show that I remember,
those who fought for me.
See the Poppies, see the Poppies,
Oh so red, oh so red,
Growing on the hillside, growing on the hillside
Soldiers lay dead, Soldiers lay dead,
We remember, we remember.
On this day, on this day.
Soldiers on the hillside, Soldiers on the hillside
Far away, far away
Halloween Songs
BOO (sung to the tune of “five little ducks”)
Five little pumpkins I once knew-
Scary one’s, happy ones, sad ones too.
But the one in the front with a (spider) on its shoe,
It led the others with a boo, boo, boo!
Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo!
It led the others with a boo, boo, boo!
(change the image with a witch, bat, pumpkin etc.)
Five little pumpkins:
Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate,
The first one said “Oh my it’s getting late”
The second one said, “There are witches in the air”
The third one said, “But we don’t care”
The fourth one said, “Lets run and run and run”
The fifth one said “Isn’t Halloween fun”
Ooo ooo went the wind and out went the lights
Five little pumpkins rolled out of site.
1 Little 2 Little 3 Little Witches:
One little, two little, three little witches.
Flying over haystacks, flying over ditches.
Sliding down moonbeams without any hitches.
Hey, Ho Halloween’s here.
Halloween is coming soon:
(sung to the tune of London Bridges)
Halloween is coming soon, coming soon, coming soon.
Halloween is coming soon,
Oh what fun!
Black cats sitting on a fence, on a fence on a fence
Black cats sitting on a fence,
Meow! Meow! Meow!
Owls a-hooting in the trees, in the trees, in the trees
Owls a-hooting in the trees
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
Witches flying on their brooms, on their brooms, on their brooms
Witches flying on their brooms
Eee! Eee! Eee!
Jack O’lanterns grin at you, grin at you, grin at you
Jack O’lanterns grin at you
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Halloween is coming soon, coming soon, coming soon
Halloween is coming soon
Oh what fun!
Five little pumpkins I once knew-
Scary one’s, happy ones, sad ones too.
But the one in the front with a (spider) on its shoe,
It led the others with a boo, boo, boo!
Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo, boo!
It led the others with a boo, boo, boo!
(change the image with a witch, bat, pumpkin etc.)
Five little pumpkins:
Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate,
The first one said “Oh my it’s getting late”
The second one said, “There are witches in the air”
The third one said, “But we don’t care”
The fourth one said, “Lets run and run and run”
The fifth one said “Isn’t Halloween fun”
Ooo ooo went the wind and out went the lights
Five little pumpkins rolled out of site.
1 Little 2 Little 3 Little Witches:
One little, two little, three little witches.
Flying over haystacks, flying over ditches.
Sliding down moonbeams without any hitches.
Hey, Ho Halloween’s here.
Halloween is coming soon:
(sung to the tune of London Bridges)
Halloween is coming soon, coming soon, coming soon.
Halloween is coming soon,
Oh what fun!
Black cats sitting on a fence, on a fence on a fence
Black cats sitting on a fence,
Meow! Meow! Meow!
Owls a-hooting in the trees, in the trees, in the trees
Owls a-hooting in the trees
Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
Witches flying on their brooms, on their brooms, on their brooms
Witches flying on their brooms
Eee! Eee! Eee!
Jack O’lanterns grin at you, grin at you, grin at you
Jack O’lanterns grin at you
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Halloween is coming soon, coming soon, coming soon
Halloween is coming soon
Oh what fun!
Songs we're singing - September 2012
Hickety, Pickety Bumble Bee!
Hickety, pickety Bumble Bee can you say your name for me?
(have child say their name)
sing the child's name twice,
_______, _______that's a very nice name
Tiny Tim:
I had a little turtle his name was Tiny Tim
I put him in the bath tub to see if he could swim,
he drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap
he woke up in the morning with a bubble in his throat.
In came the Doctor in came the nurse in came the lady with the alligator purse.
Measles said the Doctor, mumps sad the nurse nothing said the lady with the alligator purse.
Out went the Doctor, out went the nurse out went the lady with the alligator purse.
APPLE (sung to the tune of Bingo) BROWN SUGAR:
I know a fruit that grows on trees, Brown sugar, apple sauce, spices, flour
Apple is it's name oh! Put them in the oven for half an hour.
A.P.P.L.E. Bake, bubble, bubble, bake
A.P.P.L.E. Apple Pie is fun to make!
Apple is it's name oh!
In summer and in early fall
It's time to pick an apple
It may be sweet or it may be tart
It's red, green or yellow!
Hickety, pickety Bumble Bee can you say your name for me?
(have child say their name)
sing the child's name twice,
_______, _______that's a very nice name
Tiny Tim:
I had a little turtle his name was Tiny Tim
I put him in the bath tub to see if he could swim,
he drank up all the water, he ate up all the soap
he woke up in the morning with a bubble in his throat.
In came the Doctor in came the nurse in came the lady with the alligator purse.
Measles said the Doctor, mumps sad the nurse nothing said the lady with the alligator purse.
Out went the Doctor, out went the nurse out went the lady with the alligator purse.
APPLE (sung to the tune of Bingo) BROWN SUGAR:
I know a fruit that grows on trees, Brown sugar, apple sauce, spices, flour
Apple is it's name oh! Put them in the oven for half an hour.
A.P.P.L.E. Bake, bubble, bubble, bake
A.P.P.L.E. Apple Pie is fun to make!
Apple is it's name oh!
In summer and in early fall
It's time to pick an apple
It may be sweet or it may be tart
It's red, green or yellow!